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International Conference on Materials & Energy (ICOME 2021), Metz, France

Hello! Today, I have finally found a time to write our recent research activities in the International Conference on Materials & Energy organized by Lorraine University and ENS/Paris-Saclay University, France. Due to the ongoing pandemic-related restrictions, I attended the conference virtually on behalf our research group and presented two recent works in the conference. One of our works was awarded with the Best Paper Prize in the conference; it is a great pleasure for me to share this great news here! I very much appreciate the organizing committee for this great event; keynote talks were very effective and fruitful.

The first study was Thermographic observation of high-frequency ethanol droplet train impingement on heated aluminum and glass surfaces. In that study, we focused on the thermal flow phenomena during the inclined droplet train impingement on the target aluminum & glass surfaces at different surface temperatures; hereby, experimentally observed the liquid accumulation (liquid pool) on the surface.

The second study, Hydrodynamic pattern investigation of ethanol droplet train impingement on heated aluminum surface, aimed to investigate the hydrodynamic patterns of the inclined ethanol droplet train impingement on the target aluminum surface at different Weber numbers and surface temperature values. Spreading length and splashing angle were two main parameters that we observed.

For both works, we are continuing for further steps with new experiments, measurements, and procedures. I would like to appreciate Prof. Duan for his endless support; also congrats to Sheng Quan, who put great efforts during his final year project (FYP) schedule.

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